Monday, June 9, 2014

We are moving!! But just down the road! June 2014 update

The last few months have been quite an adventure. About 2 months ago a few neighbors brought it to our attention that they did not want a small farm here. I won't share the details of what happened because really, nothing good would come from it. But due to the events that have occurred we do not feel like we can stay here at our home and 5 acres and farm. We have wrestled and prayed what to do.

 This will be the first time in our whole adult lives that we actually get to choose where we were going to live. We have been a military family since we were 18, and Farmer Tyler will be separating from Active Duty Air Force September 29th. So we had options, we could go where ever we wanted and start over. At one point we were going to sell everything and move up to West Virginia.

 Again after much prayer, we find ourselves not moving to the mountains but staying right here in Cassatt, SC. We have been blessed to have a great friend who offered to let us rent his land right down the road!! He has 90 acres with 35 in pasture, which would be an amazing place for our little farm! We go back and forth everyday about where we are going to live. We could stay in our house and just move the animals to our friends, or we can sell our house and move to the land too. To be honest the later is what we want to do, our hearts have no joy in this little property we used to love. But we are daily waiting for God to give us direction on that. If we move to our friends, we will probably RVstead, kind of like homesteading, but in an RV. I know, we are nuts, but thats okay!  So we will see! Since our farms got halted, we will not be able to bring in the income we need to live, so Farmer Tyler is going into the Air National guard, and is looking for a full time job as well. This will support us until, Lord willing, next April when we will be in the full swing of things.

 With all the unknown we waited to finish building our mobile hen hoop coop. At one point we thought we were going to sell all the animals as well as all of our farm equipment and just start start over where ever we were going. So where have our girls been living? At night they reside in our our pallet hen house, and by day they roam through out forest and brush as well as about 1/2 acre of grass. This was working out great until we found out that we have a fox 3 foxes. And these foxes have been feasting nightly on our girls for the last 2 months, and we had no idea!!!! Last Saturday we found out about these Fantastic Mr. Foxes, and they have visited us every night! When you have as many as we do, or did, you can't possibly tell if they are being picked off one by one. We have raised chickens here for the last 3 years, and never had a fox problem, coyote problem, yes. So if I were to guess I would say we are at about 125 hens out of 250. We are sure glad that we could contribute Organic Chicken every night to the local fox community......NOT! Farmer Tyler has worked alot this week with our friend to build the mobile hen hoop coop at the new property. So hopefully in the next few days the girls will be safe in their new home! But because of this loss, our egg production will be about half of what we planned.

 Our piggies are growing well. The have been a little slower growing than what we would have liked, and we are guessing that is because they were eating mostly organic grains sprouted into fodder grass. That is not a bad thing, but we now think feeding fodder grass, with fermented corn would have started them off to a better start. Since we have been in transition, with trying to get our house on the market, we had to stop the fodder production. So instead of the organic grains being sprouted into grass, they have been eating organic corn, field peas, barley and oats that are fermented. The benefit of fermenting the grains versus just giving them dry grains is that the fermentation process creates enzymes that aid digestion, as well as anti nutrients are decreased. Since switching to the fermented feed, they have grown alot! Not too much, but where they should be. We had planned for the pigs to be ready in August but realistically it looks like we will have 250 lb hogs late August, September time frame. Our Meat and Egg CSA unfortunately will not be happening in 2014, but God willing April 2015 we will have Small and Large Meat and Egg CSA shares available as well as those heritage turkeys!

This August we will begin with our Organic Fed, pastured eggs. In Late August and September we will sell our organic fed, pastured pork by the whole and half hog. I will do a separate post on how you can reserve your hog! We only have 11 hogs and already we have people wanting to make sure they get a share!

 I think thats it right now. There will be so many huge changes the next few months, but we are excited to get past this and move on. Thanks for all the support many of you have shown us! We appreciate it. Also, I had to create a new FB page for the farm, you can find it here:
and our farm website, .

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